Get Prepared For The Biggest Day Of Your Life So Far
As a mama and a Labor & Delivery nurse, I understand how overwhelming it can be to be approaching your due date and feel like you are completely unprepared for what you are about to go through.
Between understanding what to expect in labor and asking all the right questions, labor is something that you shouldn't do blindfolded.
You want to be as prepared as possible when approaching this incredible (and incredibly challenging) day.
With this Labor & Delivery Workbook, you'll be able to plan and prepare for childbirth complete important to-do lists, and document all of the special memories. I wouldn't labor without it!

There are probably a million things going through your head in the months before labor. Where will you deliver? Who will deliver you? Who will support you? What kind of labor do you want? How are you going to figure everything out in such a short time? Will you ever be prepared?
I know you want to have the best labor and birth possible. We all want a labor and birth to remember. I can help you achieve that.
Because I understand how your feeling and I've been there more times than I can count . After working with hundreds of new mothers labor and birth their new babies, I have perfected the checklists, figured out what the right questions are to ask, and seen all of the special memories that mother's cherish and treasure in these once in a lifetime moments.
- 100+ pages of high quality content written by a labor and delivery nurse and mother.
- 3 detailed To-Do lists for the last stage of your pregnancy
- Important Contacts
- Questions for your provider to take with you to your final appointments
- Deciding where to deliver - how to decide what is best for you
- Hospital Tour - What you need to know about the hospital you will deliver at
- Finding a pediatrician help
- Stock up on essentials before the baby comes
- Conversation with the sitter to make arrangements for older children and pets
- Managing Visitors in the hospital to keep you sane
- The Game Plan for when you are in labor
- My Wishes - what you hope for and what is important to you
- The Labor Journal to journal the moments in labor that you would otherwise forget
- Contraction Tracker to time your contractions and keep track of labor
- Labor Stats- the information about your labor that you need to know when communicating with your team
- How Dad Can Help - ways that dad can help you during your labor and birth
- Letters to baby to communicate your thoughts and feelings to your unborn baby as you wait for his/her arrival or after your first meeting
- My Childbirth - details about your labor and delivery
- Delivery Day - all about this special day
- All About Baby - all the adorable details about your new little bundle of joy
- About the name- details about naming your baby
- The Birth Announcement - how you will let the world know
- Your Birth Story in your own words
- All About Dad and how he's feeling
- Going Home Worksheet
- Warning Signs & Symptoms
- Note pages to write everything down when you feel like pregnancy brain is making you forget everything!
- Baby Registry Checklists for everything you'll need for a new baby
- Hospital Bag Checklists by a Labor & Delivery nurse that includes everything you'll need and want (and nothing you don't) when you deliver in a hospital
- Postpartum Recovery Checklist with everything you'll need to survive the postpartum period without having to send your husband out for a last minute emergency target run
- ...And More! Don't miss out!
What You Get To Look Forward To As An Instant Download
Questions to Get Answered
The reason why I made this workbook is to make sure new moms could be prepared. In order to do that, new moms need to ask all of the right questions and make sure they get answered. I have come up with questions that you want answered for everyone including your provider, your pediatrician, your babysitter, and more.
Pre-Labor To-Do Lists
If you are anything like me, To-Do lists are a must for every situation! I have provided you with a To-Do list for the final stages of your pregnancy to prepare for labo rand birth. Make sure that you get everything done on time by keeping track of each important check-box. With this workbook, you will be receiveing a total of 3 separate To-Do lists to complete at the end of your pregnancy before your due date.
Journal Entries
With this journal you'll recive journal pages for moments such as your delivery day and taking baby home. Here you will be able to document photos and details that you don't want to forget.
Labor Trackers
You've probably wondered how your labor will start, how long it will last, and what it will be like. There is no way to predict how labor will turn out, but you can document it so that you can tell your labor story forever.
The most memorable moments in a mother's life are the first ones with her new babies. The details of these moments should be cherished and held close to your heart. In order to do that, you need to be able to document them in the first place.
Important Notes
Separate from the journal itself, I have included a note pages that are important to jot down your thoughts and feelings in specific times during your early and active labor, or as you wait for labor to start. Print as many pages as you want!
I've included my clickable checklists seaparte from the pregnancy journal itself. You will get 14 total pages of checklists that include the "Baby Registry Checklist", the "Hospital Bag Checklist", the "Birth Plan Preparation Checklists" the "Postpartum Recovery Checklist" . All of these lists are clickable so that when you open the PDF you can immediately click on any product that I recommend and be taken directly to the porduct that I am recommending.
This is hardly the beginning! There really are so many more fun and important features in the Every Mom's Essential Labor and Birth Workbook that you are going to love and appreciate when you are expecting a new baby.

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I've assisted in over 1000 live births in a hospital setting as a labor and delivery nurse and I have helped over 700 women achieve an empowered birth through my online birth courses.
My goal is always to help new mothers achieve their happiest, healthiest, and best birth possible for themselves. I would love to help you do that if you'd let me!